
Date de naissance
Date de mort
Couverture temporelle
1936 - 1993
Trained as an engineer in the Ecole des Arts (1928) and the following year in the Institut d'Optique de Paris, Pierre Angenieux worked briefly for the Pathé company before creating his own business in 1936. A constructor ofobjective lenses in 1953 he made the first objective ever to have an opening of less than 1 (f/0.95). In 1956 he produced the 'zoom' with constant focus. In 1958, the 'zooms Angenieux' attained a relation of 10:10 at a focal length of 120mm. The reputation of this major optician was particularly well established in America where for thirty five years he supplied lenses for Bell & Howell cameras. The first photographs of the moon taken by NASA were made with Angenieux lenses which were subsequently used on all American space missions.
Angenieux lenses were offered by most of the leading manufacturers of cameras, but Angenieux always remained specialised in scientific optics of high quality in both the visual and infra-red fields, in particular for astronomimcal research. He also worked in the domains of medical optics (endoscopy) and in professional cinema and television. During the 1980s however, the company experienced growing difficulties and was taken over by Thomson-CSF. Known since 2006 as Thales Angenieux it still uses the company factory in the Haute Loire concentrating on optronics, particularly for security purposes.
Adresse ; enseigne ; période ; source
42570, St Heand