Dien, Charles II
Date de naissance
9 February 1809
Date de mort
29 November 1870
Couverture temporelle
mid-late 19th century
Couverture spatiale
Probably the leading publisher of globes in the generation following Delamarche, Dien continued his production, and was himself succeeded by Bertaux. In 1829, he obtained a patent for globe meridians made of wood. In 1831 he issued a pair of 24cm globes (1), of which the terrestrial globe was supervised by Bouvard. The report on the 1839 Exhibition said of his globes that 'The parallels are straight, the details precise and up-to-date; the engraving is good; the lettering could be better proportioned… The globes … are formed from two zinc hemispheres soldered together. the material is uniformly distributed and the globes once mounted do not have a tendency to return to a specific position.'. What further impressed the jury in 1839 was that Dien had been able to reduce prices by up 75% (2).'The poorest school can obtain from him globes of a sufficiently large size, 11 inches for example'. Among his innovations was the construction of globes in relief from repoussé worked metal. Among those who designed globes for him was A. H. Dufour.
Notes biographiques
1 Dekker & Krogt 173.
2 Rapport 1839
Nouvelle Collection de globes, sphères et de systèmes. Prospectus, May 1832
Description et usage du globe céleste, Paris 1830.
Planisphère mobile simplifié donnant immédiatement l'aspect du ciel et dressé par… ; 1839.
Atlas des phénomènes célestes, 3 vols 1841-43
Atlas du zodiaque, 1843
Table des mesures micrométrique de plus de cinq cents étoiles, 1843
Atlas céleste, 1851, 8th edition (Flammarion), 1887
L'Usage des globes et de la sphère, 1839, 4th edition 1873.
De l'Usage des Globes et des sphères ou choix de problèmes les plus intéressant relatifs à la géographie mathématique et aux principaux problèmes célestes, nouvelle édition, entièrement refondue et augmentée, Paris (E. Bertaux), n.d. [1889]
Adresse ; enseigne ; période ; source
Rue S. Denis, 106, Paris. Parfait Indicateur, 1831, Almanach du Commerce
13, rue Hautefeuille, Paris , Almanach du Commerce; Almanch des Commerçants, 1839; globe cartouches 1831 -41.
7, rue Pavé, Paris. Almanach du Commerce
8 rue des Beaux Arts, Paris (1849)
31, rue des Noyers Paris Almanach du Commerce
36, rue de Seine Paris Almanach du Commerce
Exposition année ; ville ; type ; récompense
1844 Paris Industrie Nationale Bronze medal