Antoniadi Eugène Michael


Antoniadi Eugène Michael
Date de naissance
Date de mort
10 February 1944
Lieu de naissance
Lieu de mort
Couverture temporelle
Istanbul, Island of Prinkipe (Greece).
Meudon, France
Couverture spatiale
1/2 20th century
Of Greek origin, Antoniadi was an enthusiastic observing astronomer form the age of eighteen onwards, He published most of his observations in L'Astronomie the bulletinn of the French astronomical society run by Camille Flammarion. In 1893 Antoniadi was Flammarion's guest in the latter’s private observatory at Juvisy where he worked until 1902 primarily on the mapping of the planets. A globe of Mars signed by him following Flammarion’s observations and to be related to Flammarion’s La Planète Mars (1892) is known in several examples1. It was published by Bertaux (qv). Subsequently Antoniadi became director of the Mars section of the British Astronomical Society.
From 1909 onwards Antoniadi was able to continue his study of Mars using the large telescope at Meudon. In later life he turned to studies of Greek and Egypian astroomly, and archaeological on the basilica of Santa Sophia in Istanbul. He was naturalized as a French citizen i 1928 (2).
Notes biographiques
1 Phillips 10. 9. 86 lot 29 ; Tesseract 69 no 2 ; Observatoire de Strasbourg PA no 670058, cf. Meine no M31.
2. Abetti in DSB, i.
La Planète Mars, 1930
Astronomie Egyptienne
Chevalier de la Légion d'Honneur.