Luer Georges Guillaume Amatus

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“Luer Georges Guillaume Amatus”, Dictionary of precision Instrument-makers and related craftsmen. Consulté le 14 mars 2025,


Date de naissance
6 April 1802
Date de mort
Post 1863
Couverture temporelle
1837 -
Maison Luer
Luer was born in Brunswig and apprenticed to a cutler where he displayed high ability in the making of surgical instruments. After working in Hamburg, Göttingen, Berlin and Brussels, he settled in Paris in 1830 being employed by Charrière (qv). He founded his own business in 1837 and received a bronze medal for his instruments for eye-surgery at the 1844 exhibition. After exhibiting in the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London where he received a medal in the 1st class, he exhibited regularly in the national and international exhibitions being awarded numerous prizes. He received the Legion d'Honneur 25 January 1863.1 At a date probably c.1910 the business became that of Wulfing-Luer.
Notes biographiques
1 Vapereau 1880, 1193.
Chirurgie, médecine, hygiène et sciences. Prix-courants, 1878.
Catalogue spécial … ophtalmologie, Paris 1909.
Adresse ; enseigne ; période ; source
2, rue Crébillon, Paris (Alm. com 1839, 614).
Exposition année ; ville ; type ; récompense
1844 Paris National Bronze medal
1853 New York, Exhibition of the Industry of all Nations
1851 London International Medal in the 1st class.

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